Browse similar samples
Asparagus 808 1
Sample from Asparagus LoFi Drum Kit (LoFi Organic) by Berb_
808 foreign
Sample from The Lunch77 Brandon Finessin Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Cool Lil 808
Sample from Ghostrage Shows The Screen Drum Kit by Lunch77verified
GhostSpinz 808
Sample from Ghostrage Shows The Screen Drum Kit by Lunch77verified
808 pierre recessed
Sample from The Pierre Bourne Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Boomin 808 4 - C#
Sample from The Lunch77 Boominati Drumkit by Lunch77verified
808 (Millions)
Sample from The Lunch77 Wheezy Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from ForeignTeck (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
808 low
Sample from The Lunch77 Brandon Finessin Drumkit by Lunch77verified
808 (Zay) 2
Sample from Zaytoven (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
WillAFool 808
Sample from Zaytoven (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified